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EFR's Executive Director Bruce Drake will be hosting a FB Live on the last Wednesday of every month at noon. Get the latest updates happening at EFR and have the opportunity to ask Bruce questions through the chat feature.
What's a better way to ring in the holiday season than by spending time with friends! The people EFR supports are invited to our holiday cookie decorating party! Two different sessions will be held to accommodate different schedules. **If you plan on attending, please only choose one time slot so everyone has a chance to […]
What's a better way to ring in the holiday season than by spending time with friends! The people EFR supports are invited to our holiday cookie decorating party! Two different sessions will be held to accommodate different schedules. **If you plan on attending, please only choose one time slot so everyone has a chance to […]
The individuals EFR supports are invited to an afternoon of fun, friends, and prizes! Join us for BINGO at the Syracuse Lemoyne office Reserve your spots as space is limited. When: Wednesday, December 21,2022Time: 1PM-3PMWhere: Exceptional Family Resources      1820 Lemoyne Ave, Syracuse, NY 13208Please RSVP by Friday, December 16,2022 to […]
EFR's Executive Director Bruce Drake will be hosting a FB Live on the last Wednesday of every month at noon. Get the latest updates happening at EFR and have the opportunity to ask Bruce questions through the chat feature.