Zoe is a 19-year-old Syracuse University student in the Inclusive U program. She began her artistic journey by drawing places she had visited and things around her as her muse. Progressing in her use of acrylic, charcoal, and pencil she eventually moved on to watercolor painting. She is studying history, painting, and ceramics this fall and is super excited. When Zoe is not creating she enjoys swimming, hiking, camping, music, and traveling to Vermont and Myrtle Beach, SC. Zoe’s art has been nominated for scholastic awards in the past and has even been chosen to be displayed in local libraries.
“Poppies” – A depiction of kids during a time of war, was accomplished during Zoe’s high school year. The picture evoked such emotion from her teacher at the time with its haunting shadowy silhouettes of children on swings while cannons shoot in the distance. The juxtapose of colors, tense, and virtue that moved her art teacher to nominate her for a scholastic award.

“The Lady” was created by Zoe’s iPad with an ipencil. A picture was taken of it and put on canvas, which she now hangs in her room. She is Zoe’s version of an original which can be seen attached in the corner. (2024) “The Sunflower” was created in Zoe’s high school years. “The Guitar” was an interpretation piece based on a Russian artist’s work (2024).
Zoe with her art piece. (Charcoal and pencil on a scroll, 2024)