Sheala Burks is a 42 year old writer from Syracuse. It was Sheala’s mom reading to her that began her love of stories. She remembers specifically her mom reading her a story about a curious bunny who found an egg. This would be the start of Sheala’s passion for reading fiction and the beginning of her dream to become a writer.
Sheala is an avid writer. She writes through her own lens of experience. Her work captures her reflections and emotions about the past and present.
Sheala has diversity within her poems and stories. She has covered topics such as 9/11, and her fear of nuclear war, which can be read in her poem “Nuclear Nightmare”-2022. She also writes about lighter topics such as “Winter Solstice”-2021 and “Persistence” a comparative piece about life paralleling baseball.

“Rose Petals for Ballerina Girl” – A poem that captures the colorful side of a Ballerina’s life.
“The Moon” – A poem about a woman correlating her loneliness to the similarity of the moon.
Sheala has accomplished being featured in Arise’s – “Unique Magazine,” Nottingham High School’s ”Nottingham Meadowbrook,” Lemoyne College’s “Our Expressions” and “The Salamander” magazine.
Sheala’s other pride and joy is her published book “Beautiful Tonight,” a biography that focuses on her life experience. Currently, she is writing a book called “Musing of a Sensitive Women,” an ode to the memory of the twin towers. Her work can also be found amongst other Onondaga poets and artists in the published book: “What We See on Our Journey” edited by Martin Willitts Jr.
She actively has been partaking in a poetry group called Palace Poetry since 2012 which meets once a month. If interested in attending a poetry reading by Sheala you can reach out to Linda Griggs of the Palace Poetry for dates and times.