Matthew Preston, 37 of Syracuse recently decided he needed a break from his video games. He wanted something new and different from his regular hobbies. He was hoping to find something that would combine his passions and interests but also be relaxing. While perusing the internet, he found Diamond Art and he was hooked.
Creating Diamond Art means working with thousands of tiny plastic diamonds and placing them individually on a small square of paper. The diamonds are held by a pencil-shaped tool and some wax which then gets placed on a numbered graphed sticky paper. This process can take one to three months to complete and requires lots of patience. Diamond Art offered Matthew a challenge and new experience. Matthew specializes in creating Marvel and DC characters, but has also done pictures of “Dr. Who”, “Hocus Pocus”, dragons, elephants, and many, many more! Since embarking on his newly found pastime Matthew has created over 10 plus diamond art pictures and has donated many of them to friends to decorate their homes!
In his spare time, he enjoys video games, cooking, baking, and art classes with EFR’s Friends Connections. He also enjoys reading and watching fantasy, action, and horror films from his extensive movie collection. Matthew’s “Harley Quinn” artwork can be viewed in the lobby of EFR.

From Left to Right: Dead Pool, Winnie the Pooh and Friends – 2024.